A CNN-t darabokra szedték, amiért a Hidzsábos muszlim Barbie-t próbálta népszerűsíteni a sokszínűség jegyében hétfői műsorában - ALTERNATÍV HÍREK

Elhallgatott és a főáramú médiából szándékosan kihagyott hírek oldala


A CNN-t darabokra szedték, amiért a Hidzsábos muszlim Barbie-t próbálta népszerűsíteni a sokszínűség jegyében hétfői műsorában

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A Fake News-gyár CNN hétfőn bemutatta és promotálta a Mattel legújabb Barbie babáját a Hidzsábos Barbie-t, amivel a sokszínűséget szeretnék népszerűsíteni.

A muszlim babáról szóló műsort Ibtihaj Muhammad sportolónő cikkével is kiegészítették, mely természetesen nem felejtette el  (hiszen ez globalo-liberáliséknál kötelező) súlyos kritikákkal illetni a jelenleg Trump-féle nemzetieskedő álláspontot sem.
Mint mondja "Szeretem az országomat, de ma már rá sem ismerek mivé vált" (természetesen Trump miatt, aki.... és itt hosszasan ecsetelik a mocskos beutazási tilalmakat, hartárvádelmet és stb stb.....

Nos amit kaptak eztután a CNN és társai, azt nem tették zsebre. A legfinomabb komment is sokat elmond:
"Here, now your children can know what oppression looks like." - 

"Most a gyermekeid is megtapasztalhatják hogyan néz ki az elnyomás."

For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
Here, now your children can know what oppression looks like.
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
I still do not understand why this is a good thing. It isn’t the hijab a creation of men to oppress women? I’m not joking here and I’m not being right wing. As a college graduate with a women’s studies minor I do not get this at all
"Én a mai napig nem értem, miért lenne ez egy jó dolog! Hiszen nem a hidzsáb férfiak általi létrehozása jelenti magát a nők elnyomását? Én nem viccelek most és még csak nem is vagyok jobboldali. De fel nem tudom fogni!"
The hijab will never be anything other than a symbol of oppression, no matter how desperately hard you try

A hidzsáb soha nem lesz más, mint az elnyomás szimbóluma, teljesen mindegy milyen elkeseredetten próbálják szépíteni."

A többit már csak beillesztem, íme:

The hijab will never be anything other than a symbol of oppression, no matter how desperately hard you try https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1024034647678885888 
I don’t even think it’s a symbol of oppression—I think it’s the TOOL of oppression. It is the actual weapon used against women to tell them that vehicles of men’s pleasure&baby making is all they’ll ever be. How Mattel can glorify that in the name of empowering women is beyond me
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
The Hijab still arises from patriarchal values and is not a sign of emancipation. We should keep that in mind when Mattel diversifies the Barbie line.
I don’t even think it’s a symbol of oppression—I think it’s the TOOL of oppression. It is the actual weapon used against women to tell them that vehicles of men’s pleasure&baby making is all they’ll ever be. How Mattel can glorify that in the name of empowering women is beyond me
Mattel can glorify the Hijab because they think they are standing up for the little guy. They aren't. Hijab is used to tell Muslim women they are vessels of lust & sin so they should cover up. So if you are a man who rapes a woman it's her fault.

That's what they're empowering
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
Inspiring? Yes, it should be, but we shouldn’t forget the hijab signifies oppression for Muslim women. How many women, & children have been beaten, even killed for not having this on. If anything it will open up discussions & understanding for young girls.
Inspiring? Yes, it should be, but we shouldn’t forget the hijab signifies oppression for Muslim women. How many women, & children have been beaten, even killed for not having this on. If anything it will open up discussions & understanding for young girls.
As much as I respect muslim's women's choice to wear it, I find extremely disturbing, especially when you know, as a saudi woman explained to me, women need to wear burkhas to protect thm from men's impulses: WTF holy shit1f922
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
So you're celebrating the oppression and abuse of women?? Millions of women are silently suffering bc they cannot speak out and you are celebrating their enslavement. More than shame on you! You guys are disgusting sycophants who know NOTHING about the suffering in the ME!
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
Thanks for the great news @CNN. Does she come with FGM or can we do that after we get her home?
For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
Isn’t this the same person who claimed she felt unsafe in this country?? She’s STILL HERE?? WOW, she must have been terrified1f644. The kickback from Mattel probably helps ease her awful torment1f6441f92e

For the first time ever, Barbie is wearing a hijab. The new doll is modeled after Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad and is part of broader effort by Mattel to diversify the Barbie line https://cnn.it/2OrQ7to  pic.twitter.com/IWJkWIHKnU
Can do a documentary researching into the , the origin, its religious, cultural and political impact on the East and the West?

Forrás: Infowars.com
(Fordította: SBG Buddha - VilagHelyzete.com)

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